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Three Mask Recipes for Beautiful Hair

The first impression we have of a person is on their physical appearance. Hair, among other things, plays a big role in a person's well-groomed appearance. For this reason, multiple hair cosmetics exist. However, using cheap masks is not always a good thing. Nothing beats good CBD hair mask recipes for undeniable shine and brilliance. Without further ado, check out the three best natural CBD hair mask recipes to nourish your hair.

CBD, a beauty ingredient for your hair?

CBD (cannabidiol) is an active substance extracted from hemp. The latter is responsible for the coveted relaxation and unwinding effects of cannabis. Did you know that CBD is also widely used in the world of beauty and cosmetics? Here are some examples of CBD-based products you could use to support your hair's good health:

  • CBD oil: Very easy to use; CBD oil is ideal for making homemade hair masks recipes.
  • CBD capsules: CBD-based capsules or caps can be consumed daily in the same way as a food supplement to improve the quality of your hair.
  • CBD flowers, resins, and crystals: These forms of CBD can be incorporated directly into your cooking and hot drinks. If you prefer the inhalation method, you can also consume them through a quality vaporizer.

Whatever method of use you're looking for, know that there are several ways to apply CBD to your hair. The most convenient is to mix your usual cosmetic products with CBD oil. This is because CBD oil is easy to use, and applying it topically will give you quick results.

The CBD works deep into the hair and helps protect it while strengthening it. It plays an important role in maintaining a healthy scalp and protecting the hair from external aggressions.

CBD is a natural and effective way to protect your hair.

Reassure yourself; studies conducted so far have not detected any evidence on the danger of their use as a hair care product.

1- CBD anti-hair loss mask

Hair loss is a real health problem that a large portion of the population suffers from. We have specially concocted a CBD-based recipe for you to remedy this problem and slow down hair loss. Thanks to the anti-inflammatory and nourishing properties of CBD and the other ingredients used, your hair will regain strength and shine after a few applications.

The ingredients:

  • 100 ml of hemp oil;
  • Five drops of tea tree essential oil;
  • Five drops of rosemary essential oil;

The preparation of the mask takes only a few minutes and is carried out in the following steps:

  • Warm up the CBD oil.
  • Add the essential oils to it after removing it from the fire.

cbd hair

A foolproof recipe that anyone can replicate at home. Circularly massaging the scalp helps the nutrients to penetrate properly. You can also put on a shower cap to keep your scalp warm.

      A little tip for you.

Tip: Leave the mask on for 1 hour, twice a week, for best results.

2- CBD mask for shiny hair

Do you dream of having shiny hair in all circumstances? Follow our CBD mask recipe for hair that immediately looks bright and healthy. A few applications a month is all it takes to maintain that shine.

The ingredients:

  • 30 ml CBD oil;
  • 30 ml almond oil;
  • 30 ml jojoba essential oil;
  • 30 g of honey;
  • 20 ml of natural vinegar. Favour cider or apple vinegar for its beneficial properties for the hair;
  • one teaspoon of potato starch.

The making of the preparation is as simple as the first. Mix the oils, honey, and vinegar with the potato starch. Apply the mixture directly to your hair. Some people prefer to dampen their hair before application to help the oils penetrate the scales.

Don't forget to rinse your hair well after each application. This recipe is for people who suffer from dull, flaky hair. The CBD oil helps to make shinier shafts from the first application.

3- CBD mask for fragile and dry hair

Do you suffer from dry hair and can't seem to get it disciplined? That's good because the mask we're offering is specially adapted to fragile and brittle hair that resists moisturising. To make this recipe, you'll need natural ingredients known for their moisturising properties, as well as a good CBD oil. The latter works by nourishing the hair from its roots to its ends.

The ingredients:

  • 40 ml of jojoba essential oil;
  • 40 ml CBD oil;
  • 40 ml almond oil;
  • 60 g of honey

To prepare this mask, you need to warm the oils before mixing them with honey. Some advise adding honey to make the mixture more acidic, which would maximize the benefits of the mask.

Apply evenly to the entire surface of your hair. Don't be afraid to smear the mixture on your scalp; it will stimulate healthy root growth without breakage.

The benefits of CBD for hair

hair bruising cbd

CBD is a natural compound with multiple benefits. Its use as a hair care product is possible due to its similarity to olive oil or other basic oil. As a result, it acts as a mixing base for hair masks, making them much more effective. CBD is known to be rich in amino acids, antioxidants, and fatty acids. These are essential for healthy, firm hair all year round.

The most important ingredient in CBD, thanks to which it derives all its beneficial properties, is none other than amino acids. These are paramount for the protein anabolism of the scalp and the hair itself. Therefore, using CBD several times a year as a hair mask would reduce hair loss and strengthen the roots.

CBD oil is also known for its strong moisturising power. It, therefore, protects dry and damaged hair by deeply hydrating it. This allows it to regain all its former firmness in just a few applications.

This makes CBD oil a great addition to your hair.

What makes CBD even more interesting for hair is its richness in vitamins. The amounts of vitamin A and E are higher than those found in industrial hair masks. So why not take advantage of it?

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