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10 positive effects of CBD on fibromyalgia

Also known as CBD, cannabidiol is one of the most popular molecules in hemp and cannabis. While the bad reputation of its neighbour, THC, has not often done him any favours, the scientific community recognizes the positive impacts of taking CBD on the mind and the body in general. Thus, recently, it has been discovered that taking CBD can alleviate fibromyalgia symptoms. This disease affects between 3 and 6% of the world's population, and therefore, the causes are not always known precisely. In this article, we will look at ten beneficial effects of CBD intake on fibromyalgia.

Difficult to diagnose, with very few known causes, fibromyalgia is recognized through many symptoms that make life difficult for people with this disease. Fortunately, from sleep and memory problems, fatigue and weakness, joint and muscle pain, depression, etc., CBD consumption relieves almost all the symptoms of fibromyalgia.

CBD increases your sleep time

Disturbed sleep is one of the main symptoms of fibromyalgia. This is mainly due to stress and anxiety, which are some of the symptoms that the individual with fibromyalgia experiences. But it is possible to alleviate this suffering and afford more peaceful sleep and less interspersed with breaks.

Our body has an endocannabinoid system (SEC) that secretes molecules adjacent to cannabidiol (CBD), an active ingredient found in hemp plants and which, unlike THC, does not "fly".

Going back to the SEC, it maintains the body's physiological constants (temperature, blood composition, cardiovascular tone, etc.) to normal, thanks to two types of sensors located in the brain, CB1 sensors, associated with the nervous system, and CB2 sensors, linked to the immune system.

These sensors take different measurements in the body and adapt their behavior to their environment. In its interaction with the SEC, CBD activates the sensors associated with the nervous system and thus stimulates the production in the blood of molecules - such as melatonin - which promotes the regulation of chrono-biological rhythms, helping to relax the muscle. In the end, it causes a feeling of relaxation and drowsiness, and the patient can sleep better.

CBD soothes feelings of fatigue and weakness

Based on feedback from people who have used CBD, this molecule also appears to be a strong ally against the feelings of weakness and lack of energy experienced by people with fibromyalgia.

Indeed, if physical fatigue is the result of a muscle's temporary inability to maintain optimal performance, mental fatigue is the effect of a temporary decrease in cognitive performance. However, these types of fatigue are the consequences of prolonged use of muscles and the brain and can be resolved with a time of rest, and respite is usually enough to end up. However, for the patient with fibromyalgia, rest is not the solution. What is needed is a substance, a molecule capable of invigorating the brain and restoring tone to the muscles.

Having received testimonials from many people who have used CBD for fatigue and feeling weak, we recommend using CBD. CBD will stimulate the brain of the affected individual, which will produce adrenaline. Once the adrenaline is released, the brain emerges from its torpor, and the body's muscles regain their vigour. The individual then regains satisfaction.


CBD soothes joint and muscle pain

It is true that fibromyalgia is essentially neither a joint disease nor an inflammatory or degenerative condition, and therefore does not cause permanent damage to joints, bones and muscles.

However, the majority of people with fibromyalgia complain mainly of joint and muscle pain, which is very difficult for them to live in the long term and completely disrupts their daily lives.

Although the effects of CBD on fibromyalgia have not yet been medically confirmed, many people with these pains have reported some pain relief after using CBD.

As noted above, CBD interacts with CB1 and CB2 receptors in the endocannabinoid system, whose role is to control the functioning of the central nervous system (cognitive activities) and that of peripheral organs.

CBD activates CB2 receptors that modulate the body's response to inflammation and pain, reducing inflammation and pain sensation. CBD-based products, such as cannabinoid oil, ointments, creams, etc., may even relieve osteoarthritis, arthritis, rheumatism, multiple sclerosis, etc.

CBD inhibits irritability and mood swings

 If CBD can relieve sleep disorders, fatigue and muscle and joint pain, would it influence mood? The question deserves to be asked because it turns out that people with fibromyalgia are also sometimes very irritable, with frequent mood swings. These symptoms can seriously affect judgment and life in society.

Some people take various medications whose side effects (anxiety, weight gain, etc.) sometimes weigh more heavily on their health to control themselves in such cases. Therefore, it was important to find a natural palliative solution made up of a product extracted from plants and herbs, which could relieve irritability and mood swings.

Tests done with CBD on a patient population have proven that CBD stimulates the nervous system through the endocannabinoid system and its sensors. These stimulate the brain to release dopamine, inhibiting abnormal brain activities responsible for mood swings, irritability, anxiety, and other similar symptoms. The person concerned is, therefore, back in good spirits.


CBD improves your memory and your ability to concentrate

Fibromyalgia patients have often reported an inability to retain new information and frequent forgetfulness (keys misplaced due to distractions, important appointments forgotten, etc.). Obviously, when these symptoms are not properly treated, the patient can fall into depression, which only makes the situation worse.

Low serotonin and norepinephrine levels in patients have been shown to be among the causes of mental confusion, difficulty concentrating, and memory loss. Taking CBD in these cases relieves the patient by inducing the production of norepinephrine. What is it really?

Norepinephrine or "norepinephrine" is a neurotransmitter very close to adrenaline and causes the increase of the heart rate, the contraction of certain vessels and the relaxation of others in order to convey more blood to the brain. With more blood flowing to the brain, memory and concentration are boosted, which promotes excitement and alertness.

If you have fibromyalgia and if memory loss and concentration problems affect your social and professional life, don't hesitate to turn to CBD.

CBD relieves headaches and migraines

Clinical trials suggest that CBD may also have a positive effect on migraines and headaches.

An article published in the journal Experimental Neurology informs us that the endocannabinoid system plays a central role in processing pain signals. Through the CB1 receptor, endocannabinoids inhibit pain signaling, allowing the patient to no longer experience migraines or headaches.

The article argues that the endocannabinoid system could be considered a therapeutic tool in reducing the physiological and inflammatory components of pain experienced during migraine attacks.

Endocannabinoids are so similar to CBD in a structure that their sensors mistake them for CBD. Thus, taking CBD manages to interact with the endocannabinoid system and trigger, thanks to the interaction with CB1 receptors, the inhibition of pain in the brain and migraines and headaches.

CBD relieves gastrointestinal disorders

Is fibromyalgia linked to irritable bowel syndrome (IBS)? At least, that's what some studies seem to prove. These studies revealed that nearly 48% of fibromyalgia patients manifested symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome, which include bloating, abdominal pain and cramps, constipation, diarrhea and other forms of altered bowel habits.

This research also revealed that cannabidiol is able to relieve the symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome. Indeed, researchers have noticed in the small and large intestine an impressive number of cannabinoid receptors whose activation inhibits the secretion of gastrointestinal juices and, thus, the intestines' inflammation.

The presence of CBD in the nervous system could therefore help to:

  •  Relaxes the contractions of the smooth muscles of the intestine;

  •  Reduce cramps;

  •  Control intestinal functions;

  •  Blocking gastrointestinal mechanisms;

  •  Reduce gastroesophageal reflux;


Although these results are not yet scientifically validated, many fibromyalgia patients have given positive feedback after trying CBD.


CBD reduces hypersensitivity to sounds, smells, and light

Reacting inappropriately to ordinary stimuli such as noise, bright light, strong perfumes, etc., is evidence of sensory hypersensitivity that deserves to be treated. However, these are common symptoms of fibromyalgia.

To alleviate them, experts have tried chemical-based treatments to which patients have also proven to be hypersensitive. The experts then decided to find an all-natural remedy that could solve the equation.

They agreed to introduce the use of CBD as a natural remedy for this hypersensitivity, as CBD has no side effects.

Although it is a molecule extracted from the Cannabis Hemp plant, CBD has proven to be very effective, as patients have responded positively, with a drastic reduction in their hypersensitivity.

Further research showed that CBD interacted with the central nervous system to reduce neuronal activity by releasing an inhibitory retrograde signal in the synapses. As a result, sensory activity returns to normal levels.

CBD relieves depression and restores the joy of living

Did you know that severe depression - which turns into melancholy when prolonged or when patients have a history of depression - which is part of the symptoms of fibromyalgia has been linked to low serotonin and dopamine levels?

Doctors have tried antidepressants, but their effect is not necessarily pleasing. Although CBD is not authorized for use, they still tried it on patients, resulting in this:

Administering CBD to patients triggered serotonin production, sometimes called the "happy hormone" and dopamine. These neurotransmitters influence the functioning of the central nervous system via and interact with the appropriate receptors to rapidly increase resistance to stress and depression. So, if you can have CBD, you can use it to strengthen yourself against depression.

CBD and its positive effects on bladder dysfunction

Located behind the pubic bone, the bladder is the organ responsible for storing and disposing of the urine produced in the kidneys. But this organ is sometimes subject to certain ailments, including painful bladder syndrome, also known as interstitial cystitis.

This is an inflammation of the bladder that leads to abnormally frequent urges to urinate, coupled with severe pain in the lower abdomen, bladder and vagina for women. Curiously, this ailment is most common in patients suffering from fibromyalgia or a similar syndrome and is triggered almost simultaneously with other fibromyalgia symptoms such as irritable bowel syndrome. This suggests that fibromyalgia may be a causative factor in painful bladder syndrome.

To support this hypothesis, researchers selected a population of patients with fibromyalgia. They were given CBD-based products. In 95% of the cases, the patients felt relaxation in the lower abdomen and a feeling of satisfaction.

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