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CBD oil, its benefits and virtues

Cannabis for therapeutic use has slowly made its way onto the shelves of food supplements, with a view to improving the quality of life of consumers, whether it concerns sleep relief, nervousness, mood disorders or inflammatory pain.

CBD: healing potential for body and mind

Initially discovered in 1940 by the American chemist Adams R. thanks to the isolation of a molecule extracted from hemp, CBD has continued to attract the attention of scientific committees until today, where it is considered as a product in its own right, with which numerous tests and therapeutic trials are carried out for medical purposes. Indeed, hemp is a species of plant belonging to the cannabinoid family cultivated in many countries around the world, according to strict regulations. The main hemp growing countries are India, Germany, USA, Canada, China and of course, France. The cultivation of hemp is explained by the use of its seeds and its fibers which give rise to a range of various products such as rope, fabrics, textiles or even cosmetics and food products.

Composition & effects

In addition to its resistant and durable side, CBD is appreciated for its medicinal benefits which exclude the psychoactive side found in THC, and which allows to approach a state of relief from daily ailments, through a more natural method, exempt from medicinal chemical treatments. Note that in addition to cannabidiol, the hemp plant also contains other cannabinoids such as cannabinol, cannabigerol, terpenes and flavonoids. The latter are also the subjects of several studies and scientific research in order to clarify their functioning on the human body.

Available in different forms

The CBD extraction process allows the manufacture of various products with various dosages and forms: capsules, oils, resins, e-liquids, cosmetics, flowers, infusions and even certain food products. Thus, the marketing of cannabidiol allows a wide range of consumers to use it, according to their preferences and needs. 

In short, the modern study of hemp has made it possible to recognize that it is a versatile plant from which it is possible to extract molecules devoid of psychoactive compounds. It is CBD that stands out, thanks to its medicinal potential to relieve various health conditions such as pain, stress, sleep disorders or diseases with inflammatory symptoms. 

What are the properties of CBD products including cannabidiol oil?

CBD has become popular across the planet for the multitude of positive effects it provides on our health, from a physiological and mental point of view. Indeed, some patients do not hesitate to take the plunge and modify their drug consumption in favor of this cannabidiol-based oil, renowned for its many virtues.

Alleviate sleep disorders 

According to scientists, sleep is essential to maintain and/or restore the balance of a human being's life. It is during the night that various essential processes take place such as cell regeneration, mood regulation, muscle tissue repair, hormonal release, etc. It is easily understood that sleep plays a central role in the physical, mental and emotional health of an individual. And yet, more than 30% of French people believe they have problems during their night's rest. Among them, 17% of women and 9% of men are affected by chronic insomnia! Many drugs available on the market reduce the risk of insomnia, but cause many long-term side effects: addiction, hepatotoxicity, weakening of the renal system, etc.

This is where the use of CBD oil comes in! With its low THC content (or even the total absence in the composition of certain oils), it intervenes on the neurotransmitters responsible for the cognitive system and helps to dispel nervousness, soothe the mind and stimulate the production of melatonin, l sleep hormone. In addition, CBD would better regulate its sleep cycles, so that it is of better quality, deeper and more relaxing. Finally, some studies prove that consuming CBD oil would be beneficial for people prone to the effects of jet lag, in the event of changes in the internal clock (travel abroad, business trips, etc.).

An alternative against stress and anxiety

There are two uncomfortable mental states: stress and anxiety. Stress corresponds to the body's response to an event or a person that it considers to represent a threat or a danger. In a stressful situation, the body will then release so-called "survival" hormones such as cortisol and adrenaline in order to prepare the individual to react quickly. Rather, anxiety is considered an emotional state that a person experiences when facing an anticipatory fear; generally, anxiety is accompanied by other feelings such as anxiety, nervousness or worry. 

France is one of the leading countries in terms of consumption of anxiolytics throughout the world, in second position after the USA. Again, this class of drugs, including benzodiazepines, cause a weakening of the organ system, especially in the long term after regular intake for several years. To reduce the use of chemical treatment and allow your body to regain some serenity, it is advisable to test CBD oil. 

Cannabidiol intervenes on the endocannabinoid system, one of whose roles is to regulate the body's response to stress. CBD acts on the CB1 and CB2 receptors to better arm the body against the panic attacks it suffers. Natural anxiolytic, it allows the consumer to take a step back from a situation, bringing calm and serenity. 

An ally against skin problems

Acne, rosacea, eczema, dryness and itching are common conditions among individuals. They are the consequence of various organic disorders such as hormonal disorders, the use of comedogenic cosmetics, excess food in lipids and inflammatory foods or regular exposure to a polluted environment. If cosmetology makes it possible to alleviate skin problems, on condition that organic products or products made up of ingredients of natural origin are selected, their use can be supplemented by the use of CBD oil, an active ingredient for the treatment. skin disorders.

Indeed, in the context of psoriasis, cannabidiol oil reduces the rate of too rapid cell renewal, causing itching and redness. Acne, which affects 8 out of 10 adolescents, is a skin disease that can be soothed by the use of CBD oil which effectively reduces sebum secretion, responsible for the obstruction of sebocytes channels. Its use can be combined with a medical treatment such as an anti-inflammatory cream or retinoids. Against eczema, CBD oil is an ally to soothe itching thanks to the anti-inflammatory properties of cannabidiol as well as to reduce the hypersecretion of sebum. In short, through direct application to the areas of the skin affected by the disease, the effective action of CBD oils is recommended to be included in a healthy and balanced lifestyle.

An effective fight against pain

Nowadays, in order to limit its consumption of analgesics and other medical treatment harmful to the body, the health system is beginning to tame more natural methods such as the use of CBD. Indeed, several studies have demonstrated the effectiveness of cannabidiol against chronic pain, including that of inflammatory origin. This implies that some patients using powerful analgesics such as opiates could see an opportunity to treat their ailments without destroying their immune, hepatic and renal systems.

This new approach tends to be democratized for patients suffering from painful chronic pathologies such as cancer, Crohn's disease and ankylosing spondylitis, in addition to medical treatment at first. CBD oil can also be useful in more traditional cases such as menstrual cycle pain, muscle fatigue, migraines or osteoarthritis.

CBD: a treatment for epilepsy?

Although these are only hypotheses for the moment, cannabidiol would have anti-epileptic properties. An American study including children with epilepsy, demonstrated that after 3 months of treatment with CBD, almost 40% of subjects experienced a reduction in epileptic seizures by half. Better still, it is considered that 8.75/10 patients could experience an improvement in their state of health after a regular follow-up of 4 months with the administration of 200 to 300mg/day of cannabidiol. Something to give a little hope to patients and the medical profession!

CBD oil: should we fear side effects?

Although CBD is a natural method to combat various everyday disorders such as pain, stress or insomnia, improper use of the oil can cause various side effects such as:

  • A dry mouth, that is to say a decrease in saliva production which gives a "pasty" effect in the mouth.
  • A state of drowsiness accompanied by fatigue and dizziness.
  • Digestive disorders such as abdominal pain, diarrhea or nausea.
  • A decrease in blood pressure, which can lead to a feeling of dizziness, or even discomfort.


It is advisable to start with a minimum dosage of CBD, taking into account the level of cannabidiol concentration, your age, your weight and your needs in terms of health. A low dosage between 5mg and 10mg per day is sufficient for several weeks to observe the impact of the product on your body. Gradually, it is possible to increase the doses between 10 mg and 30 mg per day up to 60 mg, or even more, as long as the THC level remains below 0.3% per product. In certain cases of serious illnesses, CBD is included in the list of ingredients of drugs such as Epidiolex, which can only be taken on medical prescription. Although CBD is suitable for any type of consumer, adult, child or elderly, it is best to call on a medical professional to ensure that you do not take any risks for your health.

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