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Germany wants to legalize Cannabis (THC) by 2024

At the end of 2022, Germany announced that it wanted to legalize cannabis for recreational use. With this measure, the government wishes to focus on the control of organized crime and the black market, but also on the protection of young people. In the country, CBD and cannabis for therapeutic use have already been legal for several years. This new law would then make it possible to legalize cannabis containing THC (tetrahydrocannabinol), the molecule responsible for the psychoactive effects of hemp. When it contains THC, hemp is said to be intended for recreational use, as opposed to CBD (cannabidiol) which, in turn, is aimed at well-being and relaxation.

Currently, most European countries allow the production and sale of hemp provided that the THC content is below 0.2%. This is why CBD stores are popping up all over France and in Europe. But what about hemp that contains THC? Why does Germany want to have this reform approved by the European Commission? Will France and its European neighbors follow the example? This is what we invite you to discover in this article.

The decriminalization of cannabis in Germany

Through this new reform, Germany wishes to decriminalize the consumption of cannabis for recreational use, that is to say containing THC. On October 26, 2022, the government agreed on the conditions for this legalization, which would be reserved for adults and only in approved stores, subject to the approval of European law.

Control and security

The first reason why Germany wants to pass this reform is for a question of control and security. Indeed, the outline of this bill aims to better control the production and trade of cannabis. The document provides for public control of the supply chain with the aim of guaranteeing health protection and combating crime and the black market. Thus, the government could maintain control over the production, delivery and trade of cannabis by granting controlled licenses.

In addition, this law aims to control access and quantities. On the one hand, recreational use would be reserved for adults and possession would be a maximum quantity of 20 to 30 grams per person. An amount deemed adequate for personal consumption.

Protection of the Jews

The second reason why Germany wants to legalize the recreational use of cannabis is to protect the younger generations who are highly exposed to drug trafficking. According to the Social Democratic Minister, the policy applied so far is not effective enough to protect children and young people. Regulating the consumption of cannabis is also part of education.

According to the Minister of Health, this reform would make Germany a more open country on the subject, and therefore better able to protect young people. For the moment, the document is still in the examination phase and the European Commission has not yet given its approval. However, the German government seems confident and affirms that the main lines of this reform are compatible with European international law.

Follow the movement

If the reform is accepted, Germany will not be the first country to legalize the recreational use of cannabis. Indeed, other countries such as Malta, Canada, Uruguay, the Netherlands, and some US states have already legalized hemp for recreational use and are very pleased with the results.

The Netherlands, which is one of the pioneers in cannabis, has authorized the sale, possession (up to 5 grams) and consumption of cannabis containing THC since 1976, in particular through coffee shops. It is clear that the Dutch are very educated on the subject and that no one smokes in the street. Those who wish to consume cannabis for recreational use go to coffee shops which are prohibited for minors. The population plays the game and respects the rules. And this exemplary model makes neighboring countries want to follow suit.

CBD in Germany

As with the rest of Europe, CBD is 100% legal in Germany. For a few years, the rule has been the same for everyone: CBD-based products must contain a THC level of less than 0.2%. In Germany, as everywhere in Europe, it is therefore possible to obtain CBD-based products legally from the age of 18. In CBD shops, you can find flowers, resins, oils, crystals, herbal teas, food products, cosmetics, and many more.

Medical cannabis in Germany

Since 2017, medical cannabis has been authorized in Germany. Thus, it produces its own therapeutic cannabis in order to offer treatments to several thousand patients each year. German doctors can prescribe medical cannabis on prescription for certain illnesses such as epilepsy and cancers. Another proof that Germany is a very open country on the subject and avant-garde in comparison with some of its European neighbors. Faced with this policy, the legalization of cannabis for recreational use promises to be the logical continuation of events.

An example for France?

Currently, an experiment with medical cannabis is taking place in France. Started in March 2021, this 2-year experiment aims to better understand the effects of therapeutic cannabis on patients, as well as potential side effects. At present, France has not yet decided on the possible legalization of cannabis, whether for medical or recreational use. Nevertheless, mentalities are changing and Europe seems to be opening up to new perspectives for the future.

THC vs. CBD: Should we be worried about the competition?

Even if THC were to become legal in Germany or France, CBD shops have nothing to worry about. These two molecules are very different and do not attract the same clientele. CBD is the molecule of well-being and relaxation. CBD consumers primarily seek to reduce stress and pain. They are therefore not attracted to THC which, in turn, causes euphoric and psychoactive effects. That said, a balanced CBD-THC ratio can be very beneficial in a medical setting. Although it is often demonized, the THC molecule still has a lot to teach us!

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