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How does CBD work on anxiety and panic attacks?

In recent years, stress has been steadily increasing and more and more people are affected by anxiety and panic attacks. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), more than 260 million people worldwide are prone to anxiety disorders. Considered the evil of the century, this disorder is characterized by a feeling of unease and fear which, over time, can become chronic. Anxiety disorders affect personal and professional life on a daily basis. This is why we must act quickly and find solutions to avoid isolation and depression.

Today, treatments exist to relieve anxiety. However, drug treatments sometimes cause side effects and may not be suitable for everyone. If you are looking for a gentle and natural alternative to end your anxiety, CBD (cannabidiol) may be for you. Well known for its soothing and relaxing effects, CBD promotes calm and serenity without adverse health effects. All the answers to your questions about CBD and anxiety can be found in this article.

What is anxiety?

Everyone experiences anxiety at least once in their life. For example, during a disturbing, exciting or dangerous situation, the heart races and a strange feeling takes hold of your body and your mind. Felt like a sudden fear, this anxiety is completely normal on certain occasions. But when anxiety arises at unexpected times when everything seems calm, it becomes problematic. This is where we talk about anxiety disorders or generalized anxiety.

Anxiety disorders are manifested by many symptoms that vary from person to person. Generally, we finda significant feeling of distress, constant preoccupation, an inability to act normally in society or at work, ruminations and parasitic thoughts, and above all, intense emotions. The higher the intensity, the more likely it is to have an anxiety attack or panic attack.

How to recognize an anxiety attack?

An anxiety attack or panic attack is an episode of unpredictable and intense anxiety that triggers significant physical symptoms. For the person experiencing this crisis, it is a near-death experience and a feeling of total loss of control. Although it is very impressive, even traumatic, the anxiety attack is a somatic response of the nervous system without danger to health.

This false alarm is manifested by:

    an accelerated heart rate; chest pain; feeling unwell; tremors; nausea ; difficulty breathing; hot flashes; a tingling sensation in the hands and sometimes in the feet.

What is the classic treatment for anxiety?

Anxiety disorders are usually treated by taking anxiolytics and antidepressants. These drugs make it possible to readjust the brain from a chemical point of view in order to find normal reactions and tolimit the frequency and intensity of anxiety attacks. However, drug treatments have their share of side effects and not everyone is comfortable with this method. Depending on the degree of anxiety, some prefer natural methods such as CBD.

Please note that CBD should not replace drug treatment. On the other hand, he can accompany you in parallel with the latter in order tobring you more calm and serenity on a daily basis. If your level of stress or anxiety is rather mild, you can consume CBD for prevention in order topromote relaxation while waiting to consult a health professional and make a real diagnosis of your state of health.

Can CBD relieve anxiety?

Agir sur le stress

CBD is a cannabinoid naturally present in the cannabis plant. Unlike THC (tetrahydrocannabinol), the THC molecule does not provide any psychoactive or harmful effect for the body.CBD is the molecule of relaxation and well-being par excellence.

To reduce stress and promote calm, CBD regulates the production of serotonin and dopamine in the brain, helping topromote joy, pleasure and good humor. By finding inner peace and serenity, your state of mind becomes positive.

Note that everyone is exposed to stress to a greater or lesser extent, and that we do not all have the same resistance to it. While some seem to enjoy excellent stress management, others are more sensitive to it and are therefore more likely to suffer from anxiety.

Reduce anxiety

Acting on the level of stress is a first step towards relieving anxiety. Feelings of fear, negative thoughts, palpitations… All these symptoms are unpleasant but can be soothed by the consumption of CBD.

Thanks toits soothing properties and toits regulatory action on the human endocannabinoid system, CBD naturally corrects imbalances in the body, including mood, appetite and sleep. By regulating mood in a gentle and natural way, CBD helps restore inner calm.

Is CBD enough to overcome anxiety?

No, CBD is not a miracle cure for overcoming anxiety on its own. The first thing to do if you experience symptoms is to talk to a healthcare professional who may offer you drug treatment.

CBD can be taken as a supplement to help and support you on the road to recovery. It can also be consumed in prevention, when the stress is still light and it does not constitute a major or disabling problem in everyday life. CBD can be a key and valuable aid in your process, but true healing also requires therapy and a healthy lifestyle.

Which form of CBD to choose to relieve anxiety?

All forms of CBD can allow you to experience the relaxing effects of hemp. That said, CBD oil is one of the best solutions for people suffering from anxiety attacks because it is a fast and effective method. Indeed, a few sublingual drops are enough to obtain relief in a few minutes. For effects that last several hours, you can opt for CBD infusions or simply integrate CBD into your diet through flowers and resins.

Ingesting CBD allows you to enjoy its effects longer because the active ingredients remain in the digestive tract for up to 7 hours. You can therefore drink a CBD herbal tea in the morning to relax and have a more serene working day. You will be able to carry out your daily tasks while remaining focused, productive, calm and happy.

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