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CBD and THC: what are the differences between these two molecules?

Hemp is a plant that has different varieties of cannabis: Indica and Sativa. These two varieties consist of multiple cannabinoids including Tetrahydrocannabinol THC and Cannabidiol CBD. These two molecules belong to the cannabinoid family and cause characteristic effects that differ depending on their THC and cannabidiol levels.

THC and CBD: zoom on the differences

Tetrahydrocannabinol and cannabidiol are two cannabinoid molecules both derived from hemp.

They have a difference in their components such as terpenes and flavonoids. In addition, the Sativa variety contains a high level of THC while the Indica variety has a much higher level of cannabidiol.

Different effects

The THC and CBD are molecules that both act on our endocannabinoid system, which includes receptors present in the human body.

The two molecules THC and cannabidiol will then have different effects on consumers. THC will act on the CB-1 receptor present in the brain and responsible for the euphoric psychoactive effects of the molecule.

Tetrahydrocannabinol will therefore cause:

  • Extreme fatigue;
  • Impaired attention and concentration;
  • A decrease in physical abilities;
  • Respiratory problems;
  • Attacks of paranoia and hallucinations;
  • Physical and psychological dependence.

THC is therefore a molecule that has psychoactive effects which may be dangerous for the health of consumers.

Cannabis of the indica variety offers significant rest and relaxation thanks to its higher Cannabidiol content. It will therefore provide consumers with beneficial effects:

  • Helps reduce nervousness, stress;
  • Provides consumers with physical relaxation for better sleep;
  • Relieves muscle aches and pain associated with osteoarthritis;
  • Relieves inflammation;
  • Mitigates epileptic seizures;
  • Helps to fight against certain addictions such as tobacco thanks to its soothing effects.

So THC and CBD have very different effects on the organism and on the central nervous system.

This is why tetrahydrocannabinol is an illegal substance in France while CBD is recognized for its benefits on the body and mind and can be used as medical cannabis for therapeutic use.

CBD is legal

CBD is a molecule that is legal in France and recognized for its virtues on the body and mind .

However, its sale and consumption are strictly regulated by the legislation in force.

Thus, the sale of CBD is prohibited to minors under the age of 18. In addition, cannabidiol products are classified as food supplements and their THC level must not exceed 0.3%. Cannabidiol is therefore not considered a narcotic unlike tetrahydrocannabinol.

THC is illegal

THC and is considered by French legislation to be a narcotic with significant side effects such as a psychotropic effect resulting in significant physical and psychological dependence.

It will impair thinking and reasoning and decrease impulse control. The law will distinguish the consumption, possession and trafficking of cannabis.

Consumers are assimilated to owners. So possessing THC is an offense that can lead to a sentence of up to 1 year in prison and/or a fine of 3750 euros according to article 3421-1 of the Public Health Code.

THC trafficking is punished even more severely with a sentence of up to 10 years in prison.

What are the therapeutic virtues of CBD?

The CBD has verified medicinal properties. 100% natural, the flowers and raw leaves of CBD consumed in oil or in vaporization do not lead to addiction or addiction. CBD has many recognized therapeutic virtues.

It will allow to reduce the states of stress and anxiety, it allows to find a restful sleep. Finally, cannabidiol is used for certain forms of epilepsy.

Is it possible to replace THC with CBD?

It is entirely possible to replace tetrahydrocannabinol with the CBD. For this, consumers can turn to CBD oil or vaporized cannabidiol. However, in the event of withdrawal from tetrahydrocannabinol, certain side effects may appear during the first weeks: anxiety and attacks of violence.

However, the calming effects of CBD will gradually increase and allow consumers to make the transition.

How to recognize CBD and THC?

We have seen it, the THC and CBD have very different effects on the body and brain of users. So these characteristic effects will make it possible to recognize cannabidiol and THC.

In addition, cannabidiol comes from the indica variety. Indica is a plant that has broad leaves with a conical shape. At the taste level, the indica offers rather sweet and fruity aromas.

The Sativa variety with a high level of tetrahydrocannabinol is a plant that has much longer leaves and large branches. In terms of taste, the sativa has stronger aromas.

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