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What is linalool?

Linalol is the molecule recognized for its ability to provide a fresh and floral smell to cannabis. Composed of two isoprene units, linalol is a monoterpene that plays a key role in giving cannabis an odor. Over the years, this molecule has been studied by many researchers to define its various therapeutic effects. While CBD is known for the benefits it offers consumers, terpenes can also provide mood enhancement through their psychoactive effects. If the linalol is present in nature, it is now used in the manufacture of cosmetic products to give a sweet and fragrant floral smell.

linalol is known as the scientific name 3,7-dimethyl octa-1,6-diene-3-ol. It is a terpene alcohol used for the composition of cleaning products, cosmetics and especially room diffusers. Pleasant and fresh, the smell of linalol is also used for the vegetal aromatic composition of certain perfumes. Associated with essential oils, linalol is a perfect compound found in several plants as well as conifers. This molecule also enhances the effects of the cannabinoid.

linalol can be mixed with CBD to form products that are effective in the treatment of certain health concerns. linalol with cannabis helps decrease seizures in a person by altering the activation of glutamate. The linalol acts on glutamate, this neurotransmitter which makes it possible to excite the brain and at the source of the triggering of convulsive seizures. Although linalol is present at a low level, it acts as an anti-glutamate.

According to analyzes and studies conducted by experts, linalol helps to enhance the therapeutic effects of cannabinoids.

What are the chemical properties of linalol ?

linalol is a molecule that we can find in different lamiaceae plants such as mint, shower orange, rosemary, coriander, thyme and sweet basil. Among the sources of pure or mixed body linalool, we can list citrus, mushroom, rosewood and birches. The chemical properties of linalol are:

  • molar mass: 154.2493 ± 0.0096 g/mol C 77.87 %, H 11.76%, O 10.37%,
  • linalool molecular formula: C10H180.

What are the physical properties of linalol ?

linalol also has physical properties:

    < li>a density of 0.9 g cm-3;
  • the solubility in water at 25°C: 1.6 g 1-1;
  • a point of flash: 75°C;
  • Explosion limits in air: 2.97% vol;
  • Melting temperature: 28.25°C
  • the saturation vapor pressure at 25°C: 21 Pa;
  • a self-ignition T° of 235°C;
  • Boiling T°: 198 to 200° C.

How is linalol used?

Volatile compound identified in certain perfumes, product of For hygiene and essential oils, linalol in a bottle is used in the field of aromatherapy. There are thus several ways to use linalol when the molecule is mixed in other products. To avoid respiratory and infectious allergy problems, it is important to respect the doses prescribed by health professionals or experts in perfumery and cosmetics.

The linalol and the manufacture of essential oils

Very present in nature, linalol is used in the conception of several essential oils, more precisely the manufacture of floral perfumes to be used in a diffuser. linalol is found in plants of the Lauraceae, Labiaceae and Apiaceae families. Essen oilTielle bio is made from its medicinal plants in varying proportions. Lavender also contains linalol and is used in the composition of essential oilntial to an effect tonic ranging from 30 to 70%. You can use linalol herbal oil to do massages or perform an inhalation process to treat thymus vulgaris and sinusitis problems.

Linalool properties are present in essential oils to help patients with its various benefits. linalol has anticonvulsant, anxiolytic, sedative, analgesic and antidepressant properties. Giving a stimulating effect, thyme essential oil boosts your immune defenses and prevents bronchitis. However, it is preferable not to use the product in pregnant women.

The linalol and cosmetics

For cosmetic products that use essential oils during their production, drops of linalol obtained by distillation become a preservative. To be used only in large quantities, linalol is used to enrich essential oils to increase the antimicrobial effect of the molecule. During the use of the product, the linalol causes a phenomenon of synergy. In some cases, cosmetics manufacturers need to combine linalol with an antiseptic to avoid a skin effect and acne on the skin as well as concerns on the respiratory tracts.

The best known antiseptic product in the composition of cosmetics is chlorhexidine diglocunate. The linalol can be accompanied by this product to give a real sweetness.

The linalol and hygiene products

In addition to the cosmetics and essential oils that linalool can produce, this diluted molecule is also used for the manufacture of aromatic hygiene products. The lavender and eucalyptus scent you smell while using your air fresheners and personal care products comes from linalool. On the other hand, it is necessary to study the possible allergies caused by the hygiene products.

For the purchase of your hygiene products composed of linalool, you must take into account allergic reactions to this ingredient. It is important to study the dose of linalool present in products to reduce the risk of irritation during use and to make it very effective.

To conclude on linalool

Linalool is found in several plants including CBD flower. If the presence of linalool in this flower is not yet sufficiently known by consumers, there are several products made up of this molecule on the market. The scent of cannabis generally comes from the linalool molecule found in the flower. It should be noted that linalool is used for the design of medicine, cosmetics, hygiene and essential oilial of lavender, niaouli, noble laurel and peppermint.

Essential oils that contain linalool are diluted and then applied to fungal infections to soothe the pain. Antibacterial since they act on the mucous membranes, these oils are noble and also soothe muscle tension.

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