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Is it possible to buy CBD in pharmacies?

The answer is yes. It is absolutely possible to buy CBD in an online pharmacy. French pharmacies have the legal right to sell products containing CBD. Thus, you will be able to get CBD oil, infusions, cosmetics, capsules, etc.

However, for this to be legal it is necessary to respect different rules in order to offer cannabidiol-based articles in pharmacies:

- products composed of CBD must imperatively respect the regulations in force advocated by the State.

- the THC content of the hemp plants used for the manufacture of the products must be less than or equal to 0.3 % as specified by the law of January 22, 2022.

- online pharmacies must have an authorization to sell products online. Approved by the Order of Pharmacists, these pharmacies can then legally sell this type of item.

There are indeed sites like Famous where it is possible to obtain products containing CBD completely legally and at a really attractive price compared to a conventional pharmacy.

In France and throughout Europe, the CBD (cannabidiol) is becoming popular to the point of becoming an essential product. If to date, it has not been trivialized in mores to the point of becoming a common consumer good, CBD is gaining new followers every day.

Its popularity, CBD owes it not only to its effects, but also to the absence of dependence resulting from its consumption. And for good reason, CBD provides countless physical and mental benefits, such as relaxing, pain-relieving, anti-inflammatory and anti-stress properties.

Because of these medicinal properties recognized by various bodies of the WHO, it could be legitimate to consider CBD as a therapeutic product in its own right. Therefore, it is worth asking whether this particular product can be sold in pharmacies.

In this article, we invite you to find out more about CBD in pharmacies and we explain how to obtain it.

What does French legislation say about CBD?

Although its consumption is still relatively controlled, CBD has been marketed in specialized CBD shops for several years now. Its consumption and sale are then governed by the decree of August 22, 1990 reported in article R. 5132-86 of the public health code.

This prohibits the marketing of hemp flowers while allowing the sale of products derived from its seeds and fibers, provided that the THC level is less than 0.2%.

Although a legal dispute in France ruled against the legalization of CBD in a court decision in 2018, European Union legislation nevertheless settled the dispute in the last instance.

The Court of Justice of the The European Union (CJEU), following the Kanavape judgment, indeed determined on November 19, 2020 that CBD could then be consumed and marketed legally within certain imposed limits.

France, as a countries of the European Union, was then forced to respect this decision of the CJEU. It was then only hemp seeds and fibers that were concerned by the sale and consumption, but also the flowers.

This, always on condition that the THC level contained in them this is less than 0.2%.

As we know, CBD has anti-inflammatory and anxiolytic properties. In addition, because of these medicinal virtues, it was possible to consider that it could be obtained from pharmacies.

However, if CBD is considered legal for consumption, this does not mean that its therapeutic potential has been recognized by the CJEU or any other legal body.

A therapeutic product does indeed need to meet certain qualifications to be recognized as Phone. One of these qualifications involves in particular being recognized by the National Agency for the Safety of Medicines and Health Products.

Without accreditation from this official agency, any product meeting therapeutic virtues would do so fraudulently and expose its seller to criminal prosecution.

As such, as long as a CBD product has not been validated by this national agency or an agency of the European Union with equivalent prerogatives, it cannot be dispensed in pharmacies for medical purposes.

However, pharmacies in France are authorized to market paramedical products. Which, therefore, authorizes them to sell CBD to their customers.

Do you need a prescription to obtain CBD in a pharmacy?

If a CBD product can be consumed at strictly for recreational purposes, the varieties dispensed in pharmacies have been selected so as to meet specific medical criteria. There are indeed many CBD products, these can be attributed to a particular pathology.

As a paramedical product, CBD, like certain homeopathic products, does not require a prescription. particular from a healthcare professional. As a result, a prescription is not necessary to purchase cannabidiol-based products.

It is also for this reason that these can be sold in specialized shops.

However, if a prescription is not mandatory, it is not essential.

Self-medication will never be worth the expertise of a doctor. Before turning to CBD-based products in pharmacies to treat a particular pathology, even if it is benign, it is best to seek the advice of a health professional.

He will then be in a better position to determine whether cannabidiol is suitable for your condition or not recommended.

It should be noted that certain specialized doctors may, on their own initiative, prescribe you CBD with or without a prescription depending on the product concerned.

In some US states, CBD is often used in a medical setting. Due to its multiple benefits, CBD can fulfill certain therapeutic attributions.

Some health professionals even recommend its consumption for certain chronic diseases. Thus, cannabidiol can be used as a painkiller or to soothe the symptoms of multiple sclerosis among other pathologies.

Thanks to his expertise, a doctor will be better able to recommend the type of CBD capable of adapting to a given pathology. Indeed, CBD exerts many benefits on the body.

Depending on the variety of CBD concerned, some will then be more likely to treat muscle pain, while others exert their influence to soothe the muscles. nerves, thus curing many pathologies linked to anxiety.

To regain sleep, soothe muscle pain, treat depression or prevent epileptic episodes, CBD will then be a therapy of choice. It is then up to your doctor to determine the form of cannabidiol specifically corresponding to your pathology in order to better treat it accordingly.

How much does CBD cost in pharmacies?

The price of a CBD product depends on different criteria. In the first place, its price will be determined by its effects, but also by the variety of CBD flowers from which it comes, not to mention the form of the product itself.

However, products based on Most drugstore-dispensed CBD types usually stick to oils or, possibly, crystals. The question of the price of a sachet of CBD flowers or a CBD hash does not arise since pharmacies only very rarely dispense it.

A CBD oil< /strong> could then cost between 30 and 70 euros depending on its capacity and the quality of the cannabidiol concerned by its composition. These oils are generally sold in 10 mL bottles.

You may prefer CBD crystals whose purity is equivalent but whose price is lower, varying < strong>between 20 and 40 euros.

These are paramedical products whose effects are reputed to be effective on certain pathologies in particular. Their price is higher in the sense that pharmacies rely on excellent quality CBD products to guarantee the application of their benefits.

Is cannabidiol a medicine?

No, CBD is absolutely not a medicine, it is important to clarify. In France, in the eyes of the law, even if cannabidiol has real therapeutic virtues proven by numerous scientific studies, it is in no way a medicine.

Therapeutic cannabis cannot be prescribed by prescription because it does not have medical claims.

What precautions should be taken with CBD?

Due to their countless benefits , CBD products are constantly finding new consumers. These, as they learn more about this molecule derived from hemp, then discover its infinite virtues.

Although these virtues are not yet recognized by the Medicines Agency in France, they are nevertheless valued by many health professionals.

While it is possible to obtain CBD products from pharmacies, there are also many shops – and in particular online shops – specially dedicated to the sale of CBD products.

On our CBD shop, you will find a wide range of CBB-based products to meet everyone's expectations. Whether you choose CBD in a store or a pharmacy, you can be reassured, because thanks to the absence of THC, the risk of side effects is almost non-existent.

With CBD, only the soothing effects hemp are offered to you.

Where to buy CBD?

Nowadays we can get CBD in many places but the important thing is to find quality articles.

Since 2021, France has authorized the sale, import and export of products made from CBD in a clearer and more transparent manner.

In this sense, you can therefore obtain hemp flower products directly online (the prices are generally more attractive) or in physical shops ( such as pharmacy or specialized shop).

Thus, you will be able to find a multitude of choices concerning the form of products that suits you:

- CBD capsules

- hemp flower infusions

- CBD creams - CBD oil

- CBD E-Liquids

To conclude, CBD is a compound present in cannabis with beneficial properties for health, thanks to its low THC content.

Increasingly popular, it has become easy to obtain CBD. The purchase of CBD, whether in oil, infusion or capsules, must however be carried out with caution so that the article is of quality.

Online or in a physical store, everyone has its own advantages.

Online, the price will be much more attractive while in a physical store, you will be able to benefit from personalized advice on the purchase of hemp flowers.

Les articles et autres fiches produits en ligne sur notre site web ne représentent en aucun cas des conseils médicaux. Avant toute consommation d'un produit CBD nous vous conseillons de prendre contact avec votre médecin et de lui demander son avis.
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