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CBD Oil: its different Extraction processes

Following the latest scientific studies and feedback from CBD oil consumers, cannabidiol oil has demonstrated its many benefits. In particular, it has been shown to relieve chronic pain, but also to significantly reduce anxiety and many disorders related to depression. However, before talking about the beneficial effects that are praised all over the internet, it is important to understand where this oil with multiple virtues comes from and how it is made. It all starts with a plant that seems no more important than any other in nature, the hemp plant. Find out how CBD oil is extracted from hemp in the rest of the article.

The growing and harvesting of hemp

In order to get a high quality CBD oil, it is necessary to have a hemp plant of excellent quality as well. A good quality hemp plantation starts first of all with hemp varieties that are genetically stable to ensure a strong strain that can adapt to the planting soil. The composition of the soil is indeed a determining factor for the final quality level of the hemp. The pH of the soil must be between 6 and 7.5 to obtain the best growing conditions. An ideal soil is composed of sand, but also silt, which must offer good aeration and be moist under all circumstances.

The location factor is also essential, since hemp is a plant that requires a lot of sun to grow. Indeed, a minimum of 12 hours of exposure per day is required for optimal growth. The practices used to grow hemp can vary greatly from region to region and country to country. It is therefore important to select oils that are produced in a location that complies with the regulations in force to ensure the quality of the plant. The plants are usually good to harvest after 4 months.

The different methods for extracting CBD oil

CBD oil is becoming increasingly popular with consumers who have caught wind of its many benefits. But to extract this precious liquid from hemp, very specific extraction processes must be followed so as not to alter the quality of the extracted oil. Here are the three main methods of extracting CBD from hemp.

Extracting CBD from hemp using liquid solvents

To extract CBD using liquid solvents, it is necessary to use ethanol or even propane, butane, isopropyl or alcohol. This method is very simple to perform and is also inexpensive. On the other hand, it is the most dangerous extraction process, as you will need highly flammable solvents in large quantities. The aim is to dissolve the plant's own waxes in order to extract its nutrients. With this process it is possible to extract not only the cannabinoids, but also the chlorophyll of the plant. The manufacturing process therefore brings a bitter taste to some products.

The process of making this type of product is very difficult.

To carry out this type of extraction, it is sufficient to place the flowers and the hemp plant itself in a large container and cover everything with a solvent that will extract the cannabinoids. These will then be recovered through an evaporation process that will allow the collection of a concentrated oil. Secondly, and not least, the process of manufacturing CBD oil using solvents must be monitored very carefully. This is because if any solvent residue remains, it can prove toxic.

CBD CO2 extraction process

Also known as the supercritical fluid extraction process, CBD is extracted using carbon dioxide, a colourless and odourless gas that, when exposed to low temperatures and high pressure, returns to a liquid state. The cannabis plants are then immersed in the liquid CO2 which dissolves the plant material. The substances naturally present in hemp, including CBD, will be assimilated into the liquid CO2. All that remains is to recover the liquid and modify the pressure and temperature conditions in order to extract the cannabinoids from the liquid CO2 before it is transformed into a gas.

Extracting CBD oil using edible oil

Finally, another method is to use edible oil such as olive or sesame oil. This process has the advantage of being able to provide the organoleptic properties that are specific to the oils used. In addition, this process allows the CBD oil to be extracted without residue. The process of extracting CBD by means of olive oil is the oldest process that exists and offers a method that is both simple and inexpensive and achieves excellent results.

It all starts with the decarboxylation of the hemp plant, which is achieved by heating to a specific temperature to activate the substances naturally present in the plant. Edible oil is then added and the whole thing is heated again to extract the cannabinoids. The fact that the oil is not evaporated means that the resulting CBD oil has a lower CBD content. This means that you need to consume more to ingest the same amount of CBD as with evaporated oil. In addition, it is perishable and therefore needs to be stored in a cool, dark place.

What is the best way to extract CBD?

Whatever the manufacturing process, each method has advantages and disadvantages. Professionals and specialists, however, tend to prefer CO2 extraction, which produces a highly concentrated oil with no risk of toxicity.

From the raw product to the one we consume

Once the raw CBD oil is extracted, it will still have to undergo some treatments before it can be consumed in the best conditions. Indeed, it will be refined using a process called winterisation which allows to eliminate both solvents, but also waxes, chlorophyll and all other undesirable substances. In the end, it will be possible to obtain a high quality hemp oil with a CBD content of between 70 and 90%.

Not all oils are created equal, however, as it is possible to create different types of hemp-based oils. Among these different types, there is full spectrum CBD which contains all the cannabinoids and compounds naturally present in the plant such as amino acids and traces of THC. Broad spectrum CBD has a similar composition, but without any trace of THC. It is therefore of a purer quality.

To obtain a broad spectrum CBD oil, all that needs to be done is to add a step to the manufacturing process which is liquid chromatography. This process allows the THC to be removed in a targeted manner without detracting from the benefits provided by the oil.

Now you know what the CBD oil is.

You are now familiar with the different extraction processes used in order to extract CBD oil. While these methods are all effective, some still result in a purer, non-toxic product that is much more favorable for consumption.

The CBD oil is a very good choice for the consumer.

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