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Cannabis and incontinence

Incontinence is a fairly common bladder problem in men, but also in women. Typically, this disorder manifests itself as repeated involuntary bladder leakage, loss of control, or even sudden urges to urinate. Incontinence is a particularly burdensome and embarrassing problem.

If you suffer from incontinence, you should be aware of this.

If you suffer from incontinence and are desperate for a solution to relieve this daily discomfort, CBD (cannabidiol) may be just what you need. Thanks to its multiple benefits on the body, CBD is an increasingly used remedy in the medical field.

In fact, this substance from hemp is perfect for relieving everyday ailments. For some years now, scientists have been taking a closer look at the potential of CBD, its positive action on the urinary system and therefore, on incontinence. So, is CBD a solution for incontinence? That's what we invite you to discover in this article.

What is incontinence?

Before we talk about remedies, it is very important to understand the causes of why something as embarrassing as incontinence happens. In reality, it is a urinary disorder that affects both sexes and comes in different forms:

  • Stress incontinence: occurs when unexpected pressure is applied;
  • Impotence due to imperiousness: the need to urinate becomes urgent there;
  • Incontinence manifesting itself through overflow;
  • Overactive bladder: this incontinence is generally marked by frequent contraction as well as hypersensitivity of the bladder.

The causes of incontinence

When it comes to the causes of incontinence, be aware that this health problem is mainly due to muscle relaxation and poor neurological response. Signals not being properly transmitted can actually cause chronic incontinence, especially for people of a certain age.

Note that there are, however, several triggers or facilitators of incontinence. Here are the most dreaded:

  • spices, carbonated drinks as well as alcohol;
  • pregnancy, childbirth or hormonal disturbance in women;
  • sedentary lifestyle;
  • certain medications;
  • and some neurological conditions and disorders.

Of course, the causes of the onset of incontinence can vary from person to person.

How does CBD affect the urinary system?

Now that you know more about incontinence problems, it's time to talk about remedies and find out how CBD works positively on the urinary system. Please note, CBD is not intended to replace medical treatment, but it can accompany you in a gentle and natural healing process.

It is important to understand that the ECS (endocannabinoid system) is a device packed with receptors naturally present in the human body. Called CB1 and CB2, these respond perfectly to the presence of CBD in the body and are also connected to the urinary system, which explains the relationship between incontinence and cannabidiol.

They are the most important receptors in the body.

In addition, it should be noted that several bladder organs are naturally endowed with these receptors and can therefore also respond to cannabidiol consumption. In particular, we refer to the following functions:

  • the entire bladder;
  • the central nervous system;
  • the compartments of the brain that respond perfectly to signals from the bladder.

What is the real link between incontinence and CBD?

As explained above, incontinence is a health problem very often due to a reception problem between the nervous system and the bladder. Now, the bladder is a particularly sensitive organ to CBD, which seems to respond effectively to the signals sent by the receptors.

The bladder is also a very sensitive organ to CBD.

In other words, taking CBD allows signals to be sent to the bladder to improve its contractility, which in the long term contributes to its progressive control and, therefore, to the relief of incontinence.

Some scientists have highlighted the fact that other cannabinoids can also act positively on bladder function. The most promising results concern the use of CBG (cannabigerol) against incontinence.

The use of CBG in the treatment of incontinence is a good example of this.

When used appropriately, it could provide a concrete and much more effective improvement in bladder function. Although studies are still underway, the results are very encouraging for the future.

As you can see, there is a real scientific link between incontinence and the use of cannabis, and this is an extremely positive and promising aspect for the future. Used therapeutically, CBD could well relieve incontinence as well as other urinary problems associated with nervous system dysfunction.

What type of CBD to use to relieve incontinence?

CBD is a substance that can be found in many formats, and more importantly, can be consumed in many different ways. Indeed, whether it is for cosmetic purposes, therapeutic purposes or even medicinal purposes such as prevention against incontinence, cannabidiol can definitely be used for several purposes.

Wondering which type of CBD is best for incontinence relief? In reality, all forms of CBD will offer you the same benefits. So you need to make this choice based on your personal preferences and habits.

  • CBD-based capsules: they are easy to ingest and avoid mistakes in dosing;
  • CBD flowers: these can be consumed as an infusion or through a vaporizer;
  • CBD oil: it can be integrated into your culinary preparations or directly deposited under the tongue.

If you have your doctor's permission, you can consume CBD as a supplement to your incontinence treatment. This blend will further stimulate the bladder as well as its transmission of signals to the brain, resulting in a marked improvement.

Of course, there are other CBD-based products such as creams and gels. However, we do not recommend the use of creams, gels or other skin uses of CBD as this will have almost no effect on your incontinence problem.

What are the recommended doses of CBD to relieve incontinence?

There are no health risks associated with using CBD for therapeutic purposes, as long as a certain dosage is followed. Whether it's for stress relief, anxiety relief, or incontinence relief, CBD should always be consumed in small amounts when you first start.

CBD is not a drug that can be used to relieve stress or anxiety.

To relieve your incontinence problems with CBD, the best solution is to opt for a gradual dosage.

For example, you can start with a microdose and then a normal dosage after a few weeks of CBD consumption. The objective being to accustom your body little by little to the effects of cannabidiol, without forgetting your bladder which must also gradually adapt to the activation of the signals.

As you can see, there is a rather special link between incontinence and cannabidiol, even though scientists seem to be still researching. With anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, anti-stress and cell regenerating benefits, CBD can help you relieve incontinence and bladder problems in a completely natural way.

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