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CBD to help Baldness?

Cannabidiol, known by the abbreviation CBD, is a molecule extracted from hemp. Although CBD is extracted from the cannabis plant, it has no psychoactive effect because it contains very little, if any, THC (tetrahydrocannabinol).

In UK, the consumption and use of CBD is legal and authorised. Many people use it to benefit from its relaxing properties. Some people also use CBD oil to combat hair loss and baldness. But is it really effective? That's what we're going to find out through this article.

The different types of baldness and CBD

Generally, the cause of hair loss is genetic. It can also be due to a hormonal change that induces shrinkage of the hair follicle. Stress and emotional upheaval also have their part to play in hair loss and baldness.

However, in some cases, alopecia can be the result of an autoimmune disease. In this case, it is essential to consult a doctor and receive the appropriate treatment. No herbs or alternative medicine techniques can treat this type of condition. Only a doctor can prescribe a medical treatment. In the case of temporary baldness, CBD oil could help to reduce hair loss, provided of course that it is not already too advanced.

Use CBD oil to fight temporary hair loss

According to several scientific studies, topical application of CBD oil improves hair health. Performing circular massages for a few minutes can promote hair growth if it is a temporary alopecia.

These benefits come from the use of CBD oil.

These virtues come from the fact that CBD oil is rich in omega 3 and 6 fatty acids. These are essential for maintaining hair health and growth. They also help to increase hair density in a completely natural way.

The richness of CBD oil in vitamin E also helps to improve the health of the hair that remains and to preserve it from falling out. This vitamin also helps to stimulate damaged hair follicles.

The CBD oil's richness in vitamin E also helps to improve the health of remaining hair and preserve it.

Use CBD oil to fight alopecia

Although alopecia is a medical condition caused by autoimmune diseases, there are underlying factors to consider. Quite often, stress and anxiety promote the onset and worsening of this type of disease. Flare-ups occur when the body is under stress, both physical and emotional.

CBD oil can be used perfectly to relieve stress-induced alopecia; it has calming and relaxing properties. However, when the symptoms are too severe and worrying, it becomes imperative to consult a doctor.

CBD oil can be used to relieve stress-related alopecia; it has calming and relaxing properties.

How to use CBD oil to combat baldness

There are two ways to use CBD oil to fight hair loss: internally and externally. Depending on the cause of baldness, you can either ingest CBD oil so that it is absorbed or apply it topically. The goal of using this oil is to replenish a healthy environment for your hair so that it can regain strength and vitality.

Use CBD oil for baldness topically

For topical application of CBD oil, simply put a few drops directly on your scalp and massage. This will penetrate and act directly on the hair follicle. If you already have an anti-hair loss cream, it is possible to add a little CBD oil to it before proceeding with the application.

Use CBD oil for baldness orally

If you are suffering from medical baldness, then the CBD oil will need to be ingested so that it can be absorbed by your body. You can either swallow it directly or put a few drops under your tongue until it is absorbed. This will reduce inflammation and reduce anxiety symptoms. However, keep in mind that this is not a substitute for medical treatment. Always remember to consult your GP before using gentle treatment methods.

What dose of CBD oil to use for baldness?

It is important to note that there is no set dosage of CBD. The dose to use varies depending on several factors: the person's reaction to CBD, weight, medication taken as well as metabolism.

The standard recommended dose of CBD per day for reducing inflammation and anxiety is 10mg up to 90mg. To give you an idea, to reach 6 mg of CBD, it is possible to take 3 drops of CBD oil 3 times a day.

It is also possible to start with minimal doses of CBD and then gradually increase before reaching the standard dose. This will allow you to see how your body reacts to the substance. In this way, you will also be able to determine which dose is best for you.

The CBD is a very powerful drug that can be used in a variety of ways.

Never take more than 100 mg of CBD the first time. You don't want to rush your body with too large doses thinking that it will work faster. On the contrary, taking too much could drastically reduce the effect of CBD on your body and that would be totally counterproductive.

Cautions to take before using CBD oil

It is important to note that although CBD is legal, the substance is prohibited for people under the age of 18.

Of course, you should not exceed the recommended daily doses and follow the method of administration. CBD can also interact with certain medications, especially if taken in high doses. Do not abuse CBD if you are on medication.

As far as pregnant and breastfeeding women are concerned, it would be best to avoid using CBD oil, even topically. There are no studies showing the effect of cannabidiol on pregnancy, so you should choose the caution card.

If you notice any adverse effects, such as drowsiness or dry mouth, it is advisable to reduce the dose or stop using CBD momentarily.

Consult a doctor before starting CBD therapy

When it comes to treating baldness, the best thing to do is to first go to a medical professional and treat the underlying cause of your hair loss. This is because CBD products are not designed to treat, prevent or cure any condition. Instead, CBD can help reduce minor symptoms and gradually restore a healthy head of hair.

If you are suffering from any disease, in addition to baldness, it is recommended that you use CBD oil only after talking to your doctor. This will help to avoid complications from the interaction between medication and cannabidiol.

That being said, the side effects of CBD are very rare and not very limiting compared to the beneficial effects it can bring you. Used wisely, CBD can become a true ally for your daily health and wellbeing.

Cannabidiol is a natural and safe substance that can be used in a variety of ways.

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